Thus, our name and purpose. To supply protection of the valor earned by honorable military veterans from a danger, risk, or an unpleasant experience by someone or something. There are many agencies setup by the Veterans Administration to help ease and comfort veterans in there medical, lodging, nutrition, mental well-being, and employment. Those that have been disadvantaged because of a war related invisible wound, Valor Shield offers a second chance as it shields the valor from farther harm. The primary effort of Valor Shield (VS) is to support and inspire veterans and veterans’ families, as they plan, prove, and strive to achieve life and career goals, with the intent and hope that they will continue to lead fulfilling, satisfying, and productive lives. It is our prayer that you will join us in this endeavor to fill a void where the military can only do so much, the legal justice system’s inflexibility and the fact narrative on this issue has not changed significantly for many years.
Commander National Association of Black Veterans Chapter for Harris, Ft Bend, Brazoria, and Montgomery Counties (Installation November 2022)Founder/Director at Valor Shield LLC, currentChief Operations Officer at Innovate Ventures, current Former Logistics Operations Manager at H.A.P.S. / Specialty Mortgage ServicesAir National Guard (Massachusetts and Texas)United States Air Force (Sergeant)Member at Golden Key International Honour SocietyMaster of Business Administration Jack Welch Management InstituteGraduate Certificate Branding and Marketing for Entrepreneurs Strayer UniversityBachelor of Finance Strayer UniversityStudied Business/Marketing at University of Texas at ArlingtonAssociates of Arts Business Administration at Richland College, Richardson, TX Went to Phyllis Wheatley High School Houston, TXReligious Affiliation: Church of Christ Lives in Houston, TexasFrom Houston, Texas
Valor Shield takes the viewpoint, and it is the premise for our determined effort to dispel or to change the idea that nothing else can be done once a veteran receives a felony. They have virtually become veterans left behind. A vow we made, as fellow veterans, to never allow that to happen, not on our watch!